Thursday, October 17, 2024
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Privacy Policy

I. Terms & Conditions

This Terms & Conditions is a define agreement between Health Connects company (Owner) and its Affiliate Marketers (Vendors). It is understood that Affiliate Marketers (Vendors) read and agreed the provisions stipulated in this agreement before signing up as Affiliate Marketers (Vendors). Failure to accept the Terms & Conditions is understood that you are not fit for this kind of business.

II. Processes in Joining Health Connects Affiliates program

In order for a person to join Health Connects Affiliates program he or she is required to input his or her valid email address and cellphone number, which is then transmitted to the administrator of Health Connects website. The system of HealthConnects.Info is auto approved which means the person will check his/her email to check what is the password or change the password. He or She then can update his or her profile and can start as an affiliate marketer or vendor of Health Connects Affiliates program. The participation in Health Connects Affiliates program is free of charge but subject to change. Each affiliate marketer is allowed to have one account in program. It is not allowed to have multiple accounts by one person only. When the company discover these practices, it will cause immediate closure of all related accounts without settling unpaid commission. Upon signing up and reading the terms, each vendor or Affiliate Marketer agrees for their personal data to be processed in a way that is necessary to carry out the cooperation with Health Connects Affiliates program. If the vendor or affiliate marketer wish not to join anymore in the program, cancelling the participation in Health Connects Affiliates program is possible at any time on the written request of the affiliate marketers or vendors.

III. Rules in Health Connects Affiliates Links and other Promotional Materials

As an affiliate marketer or vendor of Health Connects Affiliates program you can use the promotional links or banners available in the website provided you will not violate the existing laws of the Philippines. Violations such us sending emails to recipients who have not expressed their consent to receive marketing communication from you, spamming forums and blogs, spamming mobile phones and other illegal promotional activities.

IV. Commission Percentage and Schedule of Payout

The vendors or affiliate marketers of Health Connects Affiliates Links will receive a commission (10 -15% of the product price) for each sale generated via promotional links. The amount of the commission will then appeared in the affiliate marketer’s dashboard at HealthConnects.Info. The commission is paid only for transactions that have been fully paid and finalized (ordered products have been shipped and received by the customers). Payout will be released 1 week after it appeared “Approved” in the dashboard. Minimum payout is P500.00 . Payout is through Gcash or Bank Transfer (Philippines). Affiliate marketers or vendors should provide complete information for the payout whether Gcash or Bank Details.

V. Shipping of Products and Return Policy

Upon receiving the orders from all customers through affiliate marketer’s links, HealthConnects.Info admin will process the the said orders. All verified orders will then be shipped through the partner courier company. All orders will be paid though Cash on Delivery mode of payment. When a customer returns ordered products, the fee will be deducted from your affiliate account balance for any cost of return. If the order is through social media, it is the duty of the vendor or affiliate marketers to facilitate the concerns. If the frequency of returns are high, the vendor’s account maybe closed or suspended.

VI. Forbidden and Allowed Marketing Techniques

When illicit or illegal marketing techniques are detected, your account is subject for closure and accumulated fees will not be paid out. If actions of Health Connects Affiliates marketers cause any financial loss on the part of Health Connects company, vendors will be charged with these costs. Here are some of the forbidden marketing techniques:

a. It is forbidden to advertise or sell Health Connects Affiliates program products offers on auction websites.

b. It is not allowed to pretend or act as an owner of online stores that partnered with Health Connects Affiliates program and use mechanisms that mislead the end customer.

c. It is allowed to advertise on radio, televisions or any social media platforms provided the vendors or affiliate marketers will pay the cost.

d. It is allowed to write article/s about the products provided it will not harm or discredit the product and will write only what is true and correct.

e. Health Connects Affiliates program marketers or vendors are obliged to comply with all laws applicable in the Philippines pertaining to selling of products in the country.

VII. Maintaining and Updating Websites

Health Connects company has its own schedule in maintaining and updating its website. For website or blogs belonging to the Affiliate Marketers or vendors, they are fully responsible for that concern.

VIII. The Final Provisions

Agreeing and accepting of all the Terms and Conditions is equal to signing a contract between the vendors or Affiliate Marketers and Health Connects Affiliates program company. Breaking the Terms and Conditions may result in the suspension or closure of the vendor’s or affiliate marketer’s account and suspension or loss of accumulated fees.